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Cara Membuat SIM A dan SIM C dengan mudah - Fantastic BluePersonal Blog (sebuah cerita dari pengalaman) | Berbagi informasi | Ajang bertukar Pikiran
Classifieds, Announcements, Jobs Events - City Of American Canyon OnThe first and only online community for all of us in American Canyon
the lost byway - perambulations around london ( .. and beyond)perambulations around london ( .. and beyond)
Killing the Colorado — ProPublicaThe Colorado River is dying — the victim of legally sanctioned overuse, the relentless forces of urban growth, willful ignorance among policymakers and a misplaced confidence in human ingenuity. ProPublica investigates t
An Optical Illusion | Optical Illusions and Other Visual OdditiesA collection of optical illusions and other visual oddities updated with a new illusion every weekday.
Eye Rays Motion Optical Illusion | An Optical IllusionOver the past few months, we have had several requests for a mobile version of An Optical Illusion. We listened. Now you can view a simplified version of the site on your mobile device. At the bottom of the layout, you w
Moving Snakes Motion Illusion | An Optical IllusionProfessor Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Faculty of Comprehensive Psychology at Ritsumeikan University, creates some of the best motion illusions out there. As such, he has been featured on An Optical Illusion on many occasions. One
Motion | An Optical IllusionMotion 2 March 2021 0 Comments
Peace 3D Stereogram Optical Illusion Video | An Optical Illusion3D stereograms, made popular in the 1990s, reveal a hidden image upon staring at the pattern. Some people claim that they have never been able to see these, but almost everyone without an eye problem can in fact see them
Video | An Optical IllusionStereo,Video 6 September 2023 0 Comments
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